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This planner was designed with the intended purpose of allowing you to realize that no matter how large your goals are they are achievable. This tool will help you break down your large goals into daily objectives that over time and with intentional action will help you achieve your ideal life. It will help you set goals in all the major areas of your life in order to help you create a healthy balanced life. These areas include Financial, Personal Skills/Education/Hobbies, Health, Relationship, House/Living Environment, Career/Work, Visualization/Spirituality and Contribution. 


These areas are not listed in any order of importance, depending on your current situation everyone is going to have a different primary focus. Nevertheless, it is important to always be thinking about every one of these areas in order to ensure you are moving your life in the direction you want it to go. Even if you have not started working towards your goal in an area of your life it is still important to think about and write down what your goal is currently or may be in the future. It may change with time but if you don’t first start thinking about and writing down your goal you will never start taking action to achieve it. 


This is an undated 12 week planner that can be started at any point in the year. It was made that way to allow for a low profile to make it easy to take with you anywhere you go. It is also laid out in a way that prompts periodic review and revision of your long-term goals. This is done in two ways, the first is every month you will be filling out your short-term objectives. This gets you to review your long-term goals ever month to know what you need to accomplish that current month. Secondly every three months you will be rewriting your long-term goals out. This allows you time to reflect and revise your goals based on the progress you have made in the past three months. These two steps are crucial to help keep your goals in mind while planning out your months, weeks and days to keep you on track to accomplish your ultimate goals in every area of your life.


The first section of this planner is dedicated to planning out your long term goals. There is a page for each area of your life (Financial, Personal Skills/Education/Hobbies, Health, Relationship, House/Living Environment, Career/Work, Visualization/Spirituality and Contribution).


The first part is for your goal. This is where you write out what your long term goal is. This is essentially your vision of where you want your life to be in the future. 


The second part is the how section where you write a list of all the steps you are going to take in the next year to get you to your long term goal.


The third part is your “Why”. This is where you fill in the reason you want to accomplish your long term goal. Your reason why is going to be the statement you fall back on in the tough times to help remind you why you are doing what you are doing.


At the beginning of each 4 week section of the planner is where you break down your long-term goals into short-term goals. Each of the eight areas of your life has half a page where you can make a list of all the smaller goals you are going to complete over the next month. These goals will move you closer to accomplishing your long term goal.


At the beginning of each week there is a weekly targets/daily habits page. 


There first part of this page is for your weekly targets. This is where you make a list of all the tasks you are planning to complete over the next week in order to accomplish your short term goals.


The second part of this page is for all you daily habits. These are the activities you deem non-negotiable and need to be completed every day. 


Finally for each day of the week there is an undated immediate objectives page. 


The first part of these pages is an area for you to make a list of all the actionable steps you are going to take that day in order to complete your weekly targets. 


The second part of these pages is a section for daily self reflection. You can use this are as you see fit but it is a great spot for you to reflect back on your day and take note of the area you performed well in that day as well as areas you would like to have done better.


The third part of these pages is a daily gratitude list. You can complete this part at any time of the day. It is a great way to remind you of all the large and small things in your life that you are grateful for.



In the back of the planner there is a basic asset and liability tracker that you can fill in at the beginning of each quarter to keep track of your financial health. For reference the definition of an asset is anything you own that has monetary value and the potential to generate more income/money in the future. While a liability is anything that you owe money on or will cost you money in the future.


There are over twenty lined notes pages for you to utilize as you see fit


There is also a simple budget planner. With this you can forecast where your pay cheque is going to be utilized. There are 12 columns to use as you see fit. These columns are broken down into 5 sections they are: 

1)Savings ie. Emergency fund, RRSP, RESP, TFSA
2)House ie. Mortgage, Insurance, Electricity
3)Groceries ie. Groceries, Medications
4)Vehicle ie. Vehicle payment, insurance, gas
5)Personal ie. Personal cash, cell phone bill, internet/tv services 

Utilizing this budget planner will help you plan first where you must put money in order to cover your bills and basic needs. Then you can decide where you would like to put the remainder in order to achieve your goals. Starting to budget your money will allow you to see where you need to cut back or increase your spending in order to gain the life you wish to live. 


There is also blank book list in the very back for you to keep track of all the books you would like to read.  

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